Please consider adding the photo at the top of each case listing next to name, dates, case identifier so right as you open a case or while you're working on the different pages, the primary photo would always appear.
Ability to see who adds an attachment/case file and when.
Having the ability to see who adds a case file and when they add it would be extremely beneficial. There are situations where you may need to ask somewhere where they got the file or how they got it, and with a bunch of employees it's really hard ...
PLEASE add the Esignature Files to the case file listing on the lower right side. Having to go in and look to see if there are any Esignature files is a PAIN.
I am not sure how the documents are currently ordered in the eSignature dropdown but Einan's at Sunset would like to be able to specify the order by category. They have a lot of forms under "Arrangement Forms" and they currently have to scroll to ...
When there are a lot of files/photos on the case files sidebar, if there could be an option to have a dropdown of the files, this way they are all compacted.