Update Automatically Based on Year for Auto-Incrementing Numerical Sequence
User Story At the beginning of the year, most organizations using the Auto-incrementing Numerical Sequence as a "case count" are choosing to 'restart' their sequence. Most of them also expect this to happen automatically since we have Case Creatio...
I need the ability to switch a case from AtNeed to Trade Call without re-entering all the information, this is when a case switches to another funeral home for one reason or another. They often have to pay for charges incurred thus far.
Ability to "Lock" Creation of Duplicate Case Identifiers
Customer indicated the warning that a case id is already in use is not enough to deter users from creating duplicate case ids. In turn this causes major accounting export issues. They want to allow their locations to manually enter case ids, but t...
Allow for mass selection of cases to change case status types.
It would be nice to be able to change the case status of multipe cases at once without having to go into each individual case and change them one by one.
Alphabetize only the last name that you are searching
ex. When I search for last name Hill, it brings up any name that has hill in it. Such as Hilligoss, Philip, Churchill, etc. Is there a way to close the search to only Hill as the last name? When searching it can be time consuming to look through a...
Add Case Identifier to Cash Sale contract template for ease of reference
A while ago, yall began adding Case Numbers to At need contracts can you do the same on Cash Sale? It would help tremendously as we reference payments to our contract numbers thanks! Veronica
The average database user SHOULD NOT be able to override the case# or account# unless they know how serious account or case#s are to a firm. We've utilized this in a previous database where the Admin is the only one allowed to edit Case #s, move t...
I have 2 examples so far where the customer is calling to complain that their case identifiers are not going in sequential order. Ticket 78368107 the order of 001, 002, 003 & then jumped to 104. Ticket 78284028 the order of 9, 10, 11, 12 &...