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Care Center

Showing 8

Care Center Merchandise does not show the full name

On the Merchandise page, the items added (caskets, urns, vaults, memorial merch) from the g&s page are in a greyed-out box that does not allow you to see the full name. Even when hovering the full name of the item will not appear.
Chloe Jonas 7 months ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Planned

Height Format

For the height field, the field is only accepting inches, could we have the option to have the format be able to be input as 5'10"
Guest 3 months ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Planned

Time of Death Visible on Embalming Tab

When entering an embalming report, one of the information boxes requests "Time Between Death and Treatment." I then have to go scrolling through vitals to locate time of death when it would be more efficient if it was also on the embalming tab.
Simone Coplin 10 months ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Planned

Add the option to put Date of Burying Remains at Cemetery when a Cremation Date is added

When cremation date is added, we should also have another spot for the date of burying remains at the cemetery as well
Product Team about 5 years ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Planned

Ability to add a person in the Pick up Cremated Remains box

O'Connor would like to be able to add a new person as the Acquaintance in the Pick up Cremated Remains box if the are not already on the family and friends page. It would be more efficient if they could add it here instead of going back to F&F...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Planned

Hide Care Center

Ops would like Care Center hidden by default and turn it on by request, like our other features. This feature is not used by all customers and can cause confusion during trainings and for new customers learning the system.
Jessie Goggans about 3 years ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Planned

Allow for multiple Preparation Due dates in the same case - Spring Grove & French

Two of our Premium Support clients that run large care centers, would like the ability to have multiple preparation due dates. The scenario they gave us is that someone could need embalming done by X date and time for an ID View, then need full dr...
Julie Hofmann over 1 year ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Planned

Care Center: Cremation - Case Listing Columns

User would like to build a care center log using Dashboards. Requesting the following: 1) CC Cremation: Pickup Cremated Remains Date 2) CC Cremation: Pickup Cremated Remains Date 3) CC Cremation: Pickup Cremated Remains Date and Time These fields ...
Jessie Goggans over 3 years ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Planned