Have the ability to present merchandise and packages to families via Passare.
The ability to present merchandise and packages to families via Passare would be a great tool. We already have all of our pricing information in the software. If we could use Passare as a presentation tool to present all options to families I beli...
If you try to sign for an inventory item on the Goods & Services page with a date prior to when it was added, you get an error that it is not allowed. However, if you sign with a date after the inventory was added and then click the pencil ico...
Unlocking the Accounting Date and backdating items can be detrimental if the books have already been closed for the month. We need more accountability around this action. Ideally, it would have a history like the signing of the user that locked an...
User Story The G&S drown down spins for an excessive amount of time when searching in the search bar. We are seeing this during the implementation review process when bringing on new funeral homes.
On Dashboard, when contract total amount or outstanding balance is viewable, when clicked, go directly to that financial page.
Reduces my navigation time. I like when using the universal search, it goes to the same page in the new case. But that only works when you search from a specific case page. This would give you direct access to the financials of the case selected.