Add Case Identifier to Cash Sale contract template for ease of reference
A while ago, yall began adding Case Numbers to At need contracts can you do the same on Cash Sale? It would help tremendously as we reference payments to our contract numbers thanks! Veronica
The average database user SHOULD NOT be able to override the case# or account# unless they know how serious account or case#s are to a firm. We've utilized this in a previous database where the Admin is the only one allowed to edit Case #s, move t...
it would be helpful to have a mapping selection added to the dropdown that would total the days past due. When used in a document template, it would auto-calculate & populate into a document. [%PAST_DAYS_DUE%] etc. or whatever Passare suggests...
Add the tag to the Clergy Record document for Location Name with Address
As a user, it would be helpful to be able to have a tag that adds the location name with address to the Clergy Record document. This would help distinguish between locations that have similar names.
Separate Product / Services filters for Price List
It would make it much easier to filter down to just product items. As of right now the only way to filter to just products is to do a much more granular filter, manually.
Being able to customize your AR report so employees can see the items you feel most important. Date of Death, Beginning Balance, Ending Balance and Date of Last Payment.
I have 2 examples so far where the customer is calling to complain that their case identifiers are not going in sequential order. Ticket 78368107 the order of 001, 002, 003 & then jumped to 104. Ticket 78284028 the order of 9, 10, 11, 12 &...
If I use an SFG section for a document I cannot use an SFG tag for a separate document. Please allow both of these functions to work regardless of whether one is being used or not. An example would be using an SFG section for an at-need contract a...