The average database user SHOULD NOT be able to override the case# or account# unless they know how serious account or case#s are to a firm. We've utilized this in a previous database where the Admin is the only one allowed to edit Case #s, move to another branch or delete cases. All of which could leave a missing case # when you track total cases or yearly cases for reporting you don't want one skipped.
We either renumbered a brand new case with the missing number or created a fictitious case for that missing number and assigned someone to use next for their new case.
The automatic renumbering is not wise unless a firm does not care that the case #s are constantly being changed after being saved. Case #s should not automatically update because they're referenced on reports, on customer invoices, on customer contracts, on credit card or payment receipts, etc. this should remain permanent per case.
This functionality already exists in the roles and permissions area, so we'll help get that set up.