There are many situations when a document is not (and cannot be) fully populated when generated from Passare. Perhaps Passare does not track the field(s) needed on a specific form, or other edits need to be made before sending for signatures. It i...
Shrink the File Name column or make it wrap when working on documents so it is easier to download the YAML or original form
When working on documents, you have to either zoom out in order to see the document name and the download YAML or Original document button. If we could shrink or wrap the file name column, it would be much easier to see what document is on what row.
It would be much more efficient if when creating a new document we could search for document mappings using any part of the tag name. Example: Need mapping for Marital Status; Tag Name: Decedent Marital Status I can't search for it by typing "mar"...
I need the ability to switch a case from AtNeed to Trade Call without re-entering all the information, this is when a case switches to another funeral home for one reason or another. They often have to pay for charges incurred thus far.
Ability to "Lock" Creation of Duplicate Case Identifiers
Customer indicated the warning that a case id is already in use is not enough to deter users from creating duplicate case ids. In turn this causes major accounting export issues. They want to allow their locations to manually enter case ids, but t...
Links to Service Providers Contact Info within Service
We would like to see "show address" and "show contact information" for the Service Providers. This is currently available for Venue information (Funeral Options > Add Service > Venue) but not for Service Providers. The system asks for the in...
Improving Selecting Memorial Content on Memorial Templates
When a Memorial Template is the at the end of list in the Templates, it can be difficult to select the Memorial Content. I have attached a screenshot of an example. You are not able to see the "Select" button. You need to scroll down on a specific...
Sam Houston Funeral Home would like the ability to export a batch payments accounting export by the Batch Number. Currently you have to pick a date range or a specific case to do the export and it would be easier for them if they could do this bas...