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PINNED Check for duplicate decedent names.
We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...


Showing 262

Relationship of Great Great Grandchild and Great Great Great Grandchild

Having an option on the Family and Friends page for Great Great Grandchild, and Great Great Great Great Grandchild, for obituary purposes.
Guest about 1 year ago in Case Management / Family & Friends 0 Future consideration

Move SSN on Vitals Page

Could you please move SSN above marital status on the Beta version of the Vitals page? Currently, you select Marital Status first, then if a spouse exists, their first & last name boxes appear. The SSN box is immediately after the spouse. At f...
Guest about 1 year ago in Case Management / Data Entry 0 Planned

Dropdown Case Files

When there are a lot of files/photos on the case files sidebar, if there could be an option to have a dropdown of the files, this way they are all compacted.
Guest about 1 year ago in Case Management / Files 0 Future consideration

Appointment Name Consistency

When scheduling a PN appt on a PN case, the appt shows up on the Case Summary as "Arrangement Appointment" but shows on the System Calendar as "Pre-Need Appointment". Customer asked that these be consistent as "Pre-Need Appointment".
Erin Merriott over 4 years ago in Case Management / Appointments 0 Planned

date of death type

For the date of death in First Call and Vital Statistics section can there be an option for choose the type of death date like below.
Guest over 2 years ago in Case Management / Data Entry 1 Future consideration

Reference Case Details for Deceased Family/Friends

When entering a family member and checking the deceased box for that person, make it so you can pull in the date of death, place of burial, etc. from that family member's case entry. Example: The decedent is Jane Smith. We enter Jen Doe as her dec...
Guest about 1 year ago in Case Management / Family & Friends 0 Future consideration

Change ability to check whether there is jewelry or pacemaker

Currently, the questions are "Pacemaker removed?" and "Jewelry removed?" There needs to be either an option to ask if there is jewelry or pacemaker and then to ask if removed, or to have a N/A option.
Carol Harley over 2 years ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Future consideration

Age on Case Menu to show as Years, Month, Day

On the a case menu on the ID Tag, if there could be an ability to have the age show as years, month, days.
Guest over 1 year ago in Case Management / Case 0 Future consideration

Option to list when fingerprints aren't able to be obtained

Currently, there is an option to select yes or no on "fingerprints obtained". Often times, we are unable to obtain them due to various circumstances. I'd like to see an option there, maybe with a note section, that could be "unable to obtain" or "...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Case Management / Case 0 Future consideration

Add Date/Address to Disposition for Final Disposition of Cremated Remains

There is no way to enter a date of final disposition for cremated remains or the address of the location. Since disposition often happens at an address other than the crematory and on a different date, there should be a way to enter the date of fi...
John Glueckert over 1 year ago in Case Management / Data Entry 0 Planned