We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...
Add a date of disposition field for disposition of cremains
Please add in a date of disposition for cremains on the disposition page. We can put in the date of disposition of the deceased but cant put in a date we disposed of the cremains.
We need a way to assign names of the people who are responsible for a funeral, calling hours etc. on the funeral option tabs. They need to show when we print a daily schedule.
When we have four funerals going at the same time we need to b e able to see at a glance who is assigned to what
Add ME/Coroner County field to the Vital Stats Page
Krause funeral home would like a field added to the Vital Stats page where when the ME/Coroner checkbox is selected, a field pops up for the County. The ME/Coroner County is not always the same as the place of death so they need this for reference...
When searching for a field on the Vitals page, "Veteran" is not an option. Please add that to the dropdown list so that it is easier and faster to find this field.
When you pull over data from ASD the family and their phone numbers populate. When you copy over an address to that family member it erases the phone numbers. I didn't understand why my phone numbers were disappearing until I notice system did it....
On the Transfer Page, under Transfer Detail, it would be most helpful if a drop down field would be added for a 2nd Driver. I would think that most funeral homes use 2 staff members when doing a removal from a home. I type the 2nd driver's name in...
Changes to Service Details fields do not prompt to save
If you add data to the various Service Details fields, such as Music, Printed Materials, Flowers, etc., if you change pages without manually saving, Passare does not prompt you to save, therefore you lose everything you typed.
Could you please move SSN above marital status on the Beta version of the Vitals page? Currently, you select Marital Status first, then if a spouse exists, their first & last name boxes appear. The SSN box is immediately after the spouse. At f...
Add Date/Address to Disposition for Final Disposition of Cremated Remains
There is no way to enter a date of final disposition for cremated remains or the address of the location. Since disposition often happens at an address other than the crematory and on a different date, there should be a way to enter the date of fi...