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PINNED Check for duplicate decedent names.
We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...

Case Management

Showing 198

Disposition page: Add space to enter grave location GPS coordinates with lot description.

We often don't have access to lot description in our various private cemeteries, but we make note of their GPS coordinates on every grave for future reference.
Joseph Schuller almost 3 years ago in Case Management / Case 0 Future consideration

Seeing in Global or in a Super Admin Only view in a FH's Documents a List of all Global Forms a FH is on

It would be a big time saver/ help if I could see in Global Forms all the global forms a FH has access to. That would keep me from having to do a lot of back and forth between the FH templates and global forms and make it much easier and faster to...
Anna Andrews almost 3 years ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration

Custom Fields: Add type to include Family and Friends

Currently when you check the box for submitting a check requests. The only thing you can modify is the payee. In Texas we are allowed to upcharge Cash Advance items. In those cases, the bookkeeper needs to know if the amount is different than what...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Case Management / Check Writing 0 Future consideration

Obituary page to have new section added with information on what newspapers and what dates to run the obit in for the staff to see and work off of.

Currently, there are no drop down boxes or information boxes, where the newspapers that obituaries are to run in and and no drop down box or information box that tells a user where, when and how many days to run an obituary in the paper for the de...
Belinda Honea almost 3 years ago in Case Management / Obituary 0 Future consideration

Move Contract Due Date to the Goods and Services tab and make required. before printing SFG.

Almost every time I'm preparing a contract, I forget to indicate a due date. The reason is, because it's on the Payments and Adjustments tab. It makes much more sense for it to be on the G&S tab. Also, this date should be required before print...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Case Management / Goods & Services 1 Future consideration

Associate a contact with a organization in the Rolodex

It would be convenient to be able to click on each individual person linked to another rolodex entry. When there are four pastors linked to one church, we have to back out from the screen and look up each individual person. If we could double clic...
Guest about 3 years ago in Case Management / Rolodex 0 Future consideration

Schedule & Run Reports Pulling Data From 2 Weeks Prior

Users would like the ability to schedule User and System Reports to automatically pull data from 2 weeks prior. Need the following added under Date Range options: Past 2 Weeks Last 2 Weeks
Kaylan Johnson about 3 years ago in Case Management / Reports & Dashboards 0 Future consideration

Decouple SFG Sections and SFG Tags

If I use an SFG section for a document I cannot use an SFG tag for a separate document. Please allow both of these functions to work regardless of whether one is being used or not. An example would be using an SFG section for an at-need contract a...
Guest about 5 years ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration