From Julie Silha at Schumacher Kish Funeral Home:
With that being said, I promised you some information for the Veteran’s information screen to potentially create a dropdown list for Character of Discharge. Coming from a background of working with veterans to get their VA Benefits, the character of discharge is pretty much the first thing that gets looked at to determine eligibility I would say 99% of the time, so it’s an important factor and personally just having a box to mark Honorable Discharge is not sufficient. That’s just my opinion because I’ve seen the other side of this coin….lol. This is what I would use for a list as it pretty much covers all the characters of discharge from the military that would show on a DD214, NGB22, Retirement Letter, etc. in the exact verbiage they use.
Under Honorable Conditions
General Under Honorable
Bad Conduct
Under Other Than Honorable Conditions
I’m not sure if you want to research and find out what the intent of Status was for and let me know and if need be I can provide information for that as well should it be something that could be converted to a dropdown but I strongly encourage to add a Character of Discharge line with dropdown box regardless.
Having dropdown boxes just keeps things in continuity and makes a database much more user friendly and clean looking – doesn’t leave a lot of room for everyone to make up their own descriptions😊
Thank you for sharing your idea with us; we always appreciate hearing from you. After careful consideration, however, we've decided not to implement this particular suggestion at this time. We feel that the current solution covers most scenarios. We value your input and hope you continue to share your thoughts with us in the future.