I have had multiple Funeral Homes who wish that we would generate and keep updates their GPLs for them based on whatever information is entered in their Passare Price List as this is something that some other softwares offer and they have gotten used to. It would be nice for them to only have to update their Passare PL and that would update their GPL kind of like a form.
We should be able to instantly produce a PDF of our individual GPL's, CPL's, OBC's, UPL's and any other price list from which the items and prices are already preloaded in the Passare system. As of right now, I need to add or update the line item in Passare and then go over to my individual GPL or casket/outer burial container/urn price list in MS Word and update it. This is time consuming and opens up the possibilty for there to be errors between the GPL and the software. It would be 100 times easier if we made one update in Passare and the system rendered the updated printed or digital price list accordingly.
This functionality is something I would like. It would be time-saving to be able to update pricing in one location, have it update, and print out updated forms. Additionally, current pricing retrieved from Passare Price List rather than potential outdated local copies made by employees.