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Categories Price List
Created by Guest
Created on May 9, 2024

Bulk Price List Delete/Restore - Detail Deletion Confirmation

I think it would be beneficial if you could select multiple items in the Admin Price List page to delete items in bulk with more of a clear indicator of which items are being deleted.

Currently, when clicking the delete icon, you can only delete one item at a time, and while there is an "Are you sure" confirmation that pops up through the Browser, it doesn't clarify which item you're confirming deletion. This can lead to unintentional deleted price list items, which is problematic for users because they cannot restore deleted items, and would need to re-create the item manually, so I think there's a way to increase the efficiency and capability of deleting items, and I think it would be good to provide a "restore" option (possibly through CSV as well) for deleted price list items.

I would provide a few suggestions.

  1. Add checkboxes on each item so multiple items can be selected at once before deleting.

  2. Create a single delete button that creates/shows a checkbox on all items in the results so multiple items can be selected.

  3. For restoring deleted items, the checkbox on either of the above options could be dynamically used to restore price list items when viewing deleted items, specifically. I would think for CSV updates, a new column called "Deleted" - TRUE/FALSE, would be a good way to allow price list items to be deleted and restored through CSV imports (and subsequently in bulk)

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