For death certificate purposes to families that are sent a Planning Center invite, could there be more required fields? As such that is required on the death certificate. i.e. parent info, address, etc.
Some fields in particular that come to my mind would be Address information for the Parents of the decedent, because it is required by the state of Louisiana on the death certificate. Since the Family typically knows more about the address info of the Parents, the Planning Center will be a great place for them to fill in information like that along with other Death Certificate details.
If on the Passare side, we designate someone as the Informant, and that same person is a PC user, can we figure out a way to require their mailing address? Almost every time, they leave it blank.
almost 2 years ago
in Planning Center
Future consideration
Some fields in particular that come to my mind would be Address information for the Parents of the decedent, because it is required by the state of Louisiana on the death certificate. Since the Family typically knows more about the address info of the Parents, the Planning Center will be a great place for them to fill in information like that along with other Death Certificate details.