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PINNED Check for duplicate decedent names.
We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...


Showing 118

Account codes and dates displayed on the Goods & Services screen

Account codes would be very helpful, particularily for cash advances since Vertin Company purchase accounts must off-set the sales account. Very helpful with cash advance accruals. Date are also very helpful so that we can see, at a very quick gla...
Londa Darwin almost 5 years ago in Case Management / Goods & Services 3 Planned

When information is entered on one tab, it updates on all other applicable pages

User Story As a user, I would like for information entered on one tab to populate on all other applicable pages. For example, if you are in a case and navigate to the Arrangement Tab and under disposition: we enter Date of Disposition; Disposition...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Case Management / Data Entry 1 Planned

New Role for Cremains Pickup

While there is a spot in the care center to record who picked up cremains, it would be helpful to add a cremains pickup role like there is a DC recipient role.
Anna Andrews almost 3 years ago in Case Management / Family & Friends 2 Planned

Ability to Default a Funeral Director

It would be really beneficial to have the ability to set a default Funeral Director especially when there is only one Funeral Director in the Funeral Home. This way the funeral director doesnt have to assign themselves to every single case.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Case Management / Data Entry 1 Planned

Add weight field to case creation modal

Users would like the option to add in decedent weight on the initial case creation modal, both in the web and mobile apps. Decedent weight is often collected at the time of pickup.
Jessie Goggans over 2 years ago in Case Management / Data Entry 1 Planned

Ability to pin important Notes

As a user, it would be great to have the ability to pin important notes about a case somewhere on the page where it is easy to see. Users could also unpin the note once they don't need it anymore. This would help us highlight important information...
Product Team almost 5 years ago in Case Management / Notes 1 Planned

Ability to Restore Deleted Checklists and Ability to Create a New Checklist within a Case

I see we have an older idea related to a portion of this idea that was marked as "will not implement". The comment suggests to have a list of the checklist items on your computer so you can rebuild. You cannot create a new checklist within the cas...
Erin Merriott over 4 years ago in Case Management / Checklist 3 Planned

Requiring C.S.T. for signing should also prevent user from adding any G&S

Currently you can restrict signing on the G&S page if a C.S.T. has not been selected. Several people have asked that this requirement include users to not be allowed to add any items to the G&S page before selecting a C.S.T. Example: Say y...
Erin Merriott almost 5 years ago in Case Management / Goods & Services 0 Planned

middle name on Family & Friends Page being added to the top section

On the Family & Friends page currently you have to click on the additional information to add the middle name of the family member. It would be much more convenient to be able to add the middle name right there when adding the family member fi...
Chloe Jonas 11 months ago in Case Management / Family & Friends 1 Planned

Having a link in goods & services to a corresponding cash sale

I don't think there is currently a way to know that a cash sale exists relating to a specific case UNLESS you open each cash sale to see if there is a case reference on the basic info page. Even though it does link back to the case from within the...
Guest over 4 years ago in Case Management / Goods & Services 1 Planned