Users need to be able to pull the following System Reports and specify only Cash Sale Cases, just like they can all the other case types. Detailed Items Sold Detailed Sales Items Sold
Funeral Excellence Group is intending to run the System Report "Items Sold" across all of their funeral homes. In order to easily distinguish who has sold what they are requesting a branch/location column and a funeral director (case assigned to) ...
Several firms have asked about being able to generate a report for a specific location or locations. Could location be added as a filter option in reports and batch forms? Perhaps it could pull from the rolodex, and users can choose specific locat...
Updates to QuickBooks Export Outputs for 'Refunds' Transactions
User Story As an accountant who imports data to QuickBooks, I'd like some changes to the output of the data in the exports, as it relates to 'Refunds' transactions created from within the Payments & Adjustments page of a case. These changes wi...
How can we delete previously created reports from the lists? i can only imagine keeping them makes rendering the list slower, but i can only delete old reports one at a time?
Aftercare Report Death Date Anniversary Filter and Date Range
A user would like to add the ability to filter User Reports on the Death Date Anniversary of decedents for User Reports. In addition, a new Date Range needs to be added on the Run Your Report page for the last month of the last year (E.g., 07/01/2...
SuperAdmins need the ability to view and edit any user report created. Ops are often asked by customers to edit reports created by other Ops members (currently employed or unemployed), or reports created by other FH users. We should be able to edi...
I need a column for PreNeed Payments in User Reports
For Keyser Funeral Home, User Reports, when you choose "Rows Show Results For - PreNeed Payments & Adjustments" it does not pull the information from the Payments & Adjustments page on the PreNeed side, it still pulls the AtNeed informatio...
Saved Configuration names showing when reports/batch forms are ran
Funeral Homes will often create saved configurations that filter specific branches/case tags/trade businesses and then run them all back to back. I would like to see in my download center the name of the saved configuration instead of the name of ...
For organizations that tie their accounts based on Client Services Types, they need the ability to filter certain CSTs out of the Accounts Receivable Aged system report. The CST filter would need to have the ability to pull cases that both include...