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PINNED Check for duplicate decedent names.
We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...

Case Management

Showing 542

When information is entered on one tab, it updates on all other applicable pages

User Story As a user, I would like for information entered on one tab to populate on all other applicable pages. For example, if you are in a case and navigate to the Arrangement Tab and under disposition: we enter Date of Disposition; Disposition...
Guest about 5 years ago in Case Management / Data Entry 1 Planned

QR code tracking for pets

You have the QR code system for humans. Why not have it for pets. It is nice to be able to see the human cases we are serving through the cremation process. Logging in the retort, processor, urn ready to go to location and urn received at location...
Guest over 1 year ago in Case Management / Security 0 Future consideration

Capability to Pin the Column Titles on the Case Listing Page

Angie Gard with Gard Funeral Home asked if we had a way of freezing or pinning the column titles on their case listing page. She mentioned that they are struggling right now with remembering what column is what especially when they begin scrolling...
Chloe Stirling over 3 years ago in Case Management / Admin 0 Planned

Update Automatically Based on Year for Auto-Incrementing Numerical Sequence

User Story At the beginning of the year, most organizations using the Auto-incrementing Numerical Sequence as a "case count" are choosing to 'restart' their sequence. Most of them also expect this to happen automatically since we have Case Creatio...
Kaylan Johnson about 4 years ago in Case Management / Case Identifier 1 Planned

Military Honors Status Needed on Veterans Information Page

I noticed when I took a military honors confirmation that there isn't a specific place in Passare to document this. Nor is there a place for the director to indicate honors were requested. I added my confirmation to the notes section on the vetera...
Guest over 1 year ago in Case Management / Data Entry 1 Planned

Ability to delete multiple line items from a Case checklist

Not all checklist items are relevant to each case. The ability to delete multiple line items at one time would be very helpful!
Jill Materia about 2 years ago in Case Management / Checklist 0 Planned

FH Specific Default Options in Care Center

It was requested that funeral homes have the ability to set default options in the Care Center that they most commonly use. "The ability to set the default on the embalming page in Passare to reflect normal company procedures (and change these def...
Jennifer Jenson 4 months ago in Case Management / Care Center 1 Future consideration

Alert When Another User is Working in the Same Case

When two users are working on the same case and one user saves, there is a red toast message telling you someone else has edited the page and their changes have been saved. However, then the second user's changes are rejected. Could we have an ale...
Kaylan Johnson almost 5 years ago in Case Management 1 Planned

Ability to customize which fields are required

As a user, it would be nice to have the ability to customize which fields were required. For example, for pre-need cases, being able to make address and contact information required for family members.
Product Team about 5 years ago in Case Management 0 Planned

Forms Mappings Search

Can we create the mappings dropdown to be searchable by keyword? Right now you have to search the exact mapping, which is difficult since there are so many versions of similar mappings. For example, to find a mapping pulling last 2 digits of the y...
Jessie Goggans almost 4 years ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Planned