The ability to attach a document to a rolodex entry. We have many churches and cemeteries that have policies and fee schedules that would be helpful to have right in the rolodex.
We have a lot of funeral homes that have specific documents per branch. For example, a different contract for each branch. or branches that are in different cities/states require different forms. Being able to assign forms to only certain location...
Add spacing and font options for Organization Message
I regularly send out Organization Messages to staff through Passare. The only problem is that alll text is squished together. There is no ability to space out sentences or paragraphs or bullet points. Additionally, there is no option for bold, ita...
User would like a "Check for Duplicates" function (like we currently have for SSN) that scans the rolodex for duplicate addresses. There are often businesses or venues that have name changes/variations, and this function will help users prevent du...
users might want to add multiple caskets at one time and have these items share the same tax table, reporting category, accounting code, etc. The goal would be to add similar items quickly so that all you have to do is modify, the name and price.
I have had multiple Funeral Homes who wish that we would generate and keep updates their GPLs for them based on whatever information is entered in their Passare Price List as this is something that some other softwares offer and they have gotten u...
When mapping Event/Service Information to forms, there are currently so many different mappings that are named slightly inconsistently, that it's difficult to know what to select or search for, and some options aren't even available for every serv...
When adding a new organization to the rolodex for memorial donations, you are required to add a website for that organization. When no website is entered, Passare will not save the information. Not all non-profits have an on-line donation option. ...