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Automatically log user, date and time a form is printed.

Passare already automatically tracks contract changes as well as the user, date and time an item is checked off on checklists -- for cases with many hands involved, it would be incredibly beneficial to see if, say, a flag request form had been pri...
Joe Laedtke over 2 years ago in Case Management / Documents 1 Future consideration

Canada firm rolodex entries don't default to Canadian fields (province/postal code)

When creating a new rolodex entry through a case in a Canadian firm, Canada is the default country but it shows county, state, zip fields. If you switch it off Canada to a different country and back to Canada, it show correct fields (province &...
Madison Hicks over 2 years ago in Case Management / Rolodex 0 Planned

Accounting Exports

I would like to be able to enter a transaction, i.e. adjustment, correcting invoice or payment, and have the option to check a box that says "DO NOT EXPORT THIS". This would be helpful in balancing from Passare to Quickbooks. Instead of fixing the...
Belinda Honea over 2 years ago in Case Management / Accounting 0 Future consideration

Bulk add prices for new supplier

As our urn prices are rising quickly, I'm needing to update the prices more often, and have looked for some more reasonable suppliers. Which is a whole job in-and-of-itself. But then I have to go into Passare and update the prices there. Which is ...
Holly Stammis over 2 years ago in Case Management / Price List 0 Future consideration

Add License Number for Nurses in the Rolodex

In the state of Wisconsin, the Nurse license number is required on the Death Certificate.
Julie Hofmann over 2 years ago in Case Management / Rolodex 0 Planned

Blank Form Mapping To Default to Blank Instead of No

Whenever you are mapping a form there is no way to have it default to a blank spot for a Yes or No answer. For example if I wanted an area to be blank but still have the mapping for when the data is marked as yes/no it will automatically put in a No.
Guest over 2 years ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration

Seeing in Global or in a Super Admin Only view in a FH's Documents a List of all Global Forms a FH is on

It would be a big time saver/ help if I could see in Global Forms all the global forms a FH has access to. That would keep me from having to do a lot of back and forth between the FH templates and global forms and make it much easier and faster to...
Anna Andrews almost 3 years ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration

Associate a contact with a organization in the Rolodex

It would be convenient to be able to click on each individual person linked to another rolodex entry. When there are four pastors linked to one church, we have to back out from the screen and look up each individual person. If we could double clic...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Case Management / Rolodex 0 Future consideration

Batesville Casket Company Intergration

It would be helpful to have an intergration between passare and batesville.
Guest over 3 years ago in Case Management / Admin 1 Already exists

Move cases from one location to another

Currently if a preneed case is listed under a branch we are unable to move it to another branch where the family will actually be served. This means that all of the pertinent information has to be double entered (which is a huge waste of time sinc...
Guest about 4 years ago in Case Management / Admin 0 Already exists