We have a lot of funeral homes that have specific documents per branch. For example, a different contract for each branch. or branches that are in different cities/states require different forms. Being able to assign forms to only certain location...
Rolodex access within a case (specifically At-Need cases)
Having the ability to lookup a phone number or a cemetery charge in the rolodex while not having to leave the case would be extremely helpful. Even if you could do a quick search in the rolodex and click on the person/organization you need and the...
Allowing Information that is mapped into a form be changed in eSignatures
It was requested that information from a case that is pulled into a form by mapping be allowed to edit or remove when drawing up the document up in eSignatures. Sometimes names are pulled in on certain signature lines b/c the form is mapped for a ...
Allow for mass selection of cases to change case status types.
It would be nice to be able to change the case status of multipe cases at once without having to go into each individual case and change them one by one.
Capability to Pin the Column Titles on the Case Listing Page
Angie Gard with Gard Funeral Home asked if we had a way of freezing or pinning the column titles on their case listing page. She mentioned that they are struggling right now with remembering what column is what especially when they begin scrolling...
Update Automatically Based on Year for Auto-Incrementing Numerical Sequence
User Story At the beginning of the year, most organizations using the Auto-incrementing Numerical Sequence as a "case count" are choosing to 'restart' their sequence. Most of them also expect this to happen automatically since we have Case Creatio...
Can we create the mappings dropdown to be searchable by keyword? Right now you have to search the exact mapping, which is difficult since there are so many versions of similar mappings. For example, to find a mapping pulling last 2 digits of the y...
On the Profile page, funeral directors can list their license number, state, and date of issue. In the dropdown menu for states, please add Canadian provinces.
Change Case Status from Dashboard or Mass Archive Cases
I need to clean up open cases because an old staff member wasn't consistently doing it. I know there are 174 cases with no outstanding balance, and I can sort for them. But now I have to open each one individually to close them. If I had a drop-do...