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PINNED Check for duplicate decedent names.
We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...

Case Management

Showing 242

Care Center: Cremation - Case Listing Columns

User would like to build a care center log using Dashboards. Requesting the following: 1) CC Cremation: Pickup Cremated Remains Date 2) CC Cremation: Pickup Cremated Remains Date 3) CC Cremation: Pickup Cremated Remains Date and Time These fields ...
Jessie Goggans over 3 years ago in Case Management / Care Center 0 Planned

Family & Friends Page - Office Number Extension

On the family & friends page, when office is chosen for the phone type, can that field be made to accept the extension being added? Currently, it' won't accept it because adding the extension makes the phone number look like the wrong format.
Tarrence Price over 1 year ago in Case Management 0 Planned

Ability to Export by Batch Payment Number

Sam Houston Funeral Home would like the ability to export a batch payments accounting export by the Batch Number. Currently you have to pick a date range or a specific case to do the export and it would be easier for them if they could do this bas...
Julie Hofmann over 3 years ago in Case Management / Accounting 1 Planned

Electronic Funds Transfer Option in Check Writing

Funeral Homes of Texas would like the ability to enter "ETF" as a check number when the check is actually just an electronic transfer of funds. They would like to be able to have a choice for this or just manually enter ETF and be allowed to use E...
Julie Hofmann over 1 year ago in Case Management / Check Writing 0 Planned

Scheduling Price List Changes - Cost

Need the ability to be able to schedule cost updates in the price list just like we are currently able to schedule changes for the retail price.
Kelsey Swearingen over 3 years ago in Case Management / Price List 0 Planned

Bring back note origins

I could be wrong, but I believe that before the May 3 notes update, when you viewed the notes page it would list all case notes but also where they originated from within the case, this was helpful because notes didn't require as much detail to be...
Guest over 1 year ago in Case Management / Notes 0 Planned

Exclude Deleted Cases Financials from Accounting Exports

Currently when running an accounting export, you can export financials from a case that has been deleted. In the sense of things if a case is deleted you would no longer need those financials therefore it can cause some confusion if the financial ...
Sierra Chaffin over 3 years ago in Case Management / Export/Import 0 Planned

Expanding Copy Pre-Need Contract, At-Need Drop Down

Some items cannot be fully viewed when utilizing the Copy Pre-Need Contract and selecting items for the At-Need Contract. Can we have a way to expand the dropdown in order to see what the full line item?
Guest almost 2 years ago in Case Management / Goods & Services 0 Planned

Add a generic "insurance info" tab

Please create a screen for data entry specifically pertinent to insurance policies. It would be very helpful to be able to have everything in one place so at a glance, you could see who holds the policy, the policy number, death benefit, a checkbo...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Case Management / Data Entry 0 Planned

Payment screen- Payor address Tab stops are out of order

Not a huge problem, but for those of us who are keyboard people and prefer to not use the mouse to activate a field..... When adding a payment, and adding the address details for the payor, the tab stops for the address are not in the correct orde...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Case Management / Payments & Adjustments 0 Planned