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System Calendar improvements

How about different colors in the System Calendar, depending on the event or different color depending on the funeral home branch, like the common Outlook or Google calendar allows you to do. Helps them stand out better for company preferences. Ad...
Elizabeth Reed over 4 years ago in Case Management / Calendar 5 Planned

Additional Check Template Tags Requested

Additional option for check date as mm/dd/yyyy (current templates output mm/dd/yy) Additional option for written check amount to have each word capitalized and to populate Five "Dollar(s)" & 00/100 (current template outputs "five & 00/100"...
Erin Merriott over 4 years ago in Case Management / Check Writing 0 Planned

Dark Mode/Version of Passare

Jeremey Heath with Heath Funeral Home has asked if we were able to have a 'dark mode' of Passare. He has mentioned on several occasions that he struggles to see/navigate his webpage.. even after he has adjusted his brightness and monitor settings.
Chloe Jonas about 1 year ago in Case Management / System 0 Future consideration

Calendar Sync

When the calendar is synced to mobile, it does not list all of the information for the event in Passare. I have attached two screenshots showing the calendar entries for an arrangement meeting. On desktop, the event name is "Arrangement Meeting fo...
Devin Pauly about 3 years ago in Case Management / Calendar 1 Planned

QR code tracking for pets

You have the QR code system for humans. Why not have it for pets. It is nice to be able to see the human cases we are serving through the cremation process. Logging in the retort, processor, urn ready to go to location and urn received at location...
Guest over 1 year ago in Case Management / Security 0 Future consideration

Global Search Improvements

Users would like improvements to the Global Search tool: Prioritize search results by recently clicked, rather than number of clicks funeral homes typically juggle a handful of cases at a time and are quickly closing these contracts out, then movi...
Jessie Goggans over 3 years ago in Case Management / Search 0 Planned

Editable Automatic Check Numbering

Customers would like to be able to turn on automatic check numbering but also have the ability to edit that field if necessary prior to printing. Currently the field is not editable and the only work around is to change the numbering option to man...
Erin Merriott about 4 years ago in Case Management / Check Writing 2 Planned

Prevent check from reducing bank balance until "check cleared" box is checked

Clark Funeral Home would like to have an option to say if a check has cleared the bank or not. This could be a check box or check status. Ideally the bank balance would not be reduced until this box is checked or status selected. This would allow ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Case Management / Check Writing 0 Future consideration


In this world with the pool of nefarious hackers gaining traction in their knowledge of breaching data, it seems VITAL to add 2nd - Level Log in Authentication. If ours or any funeral home database were to be infiltrated the outcome would be catas...
Guest over 2 years ago in Case Management / Security 0 Planned

Search Bar & Ability to Save Filters/Tabs on Check Writing Page

Customers are requesting a search bar on the check writing page that allows them to search by check number, payee, amount, etc. They would also like to be able to save filters as tabs like you can on the case listing page. Currently if you need to...
Erin Merriott almost 4 years ago in Case Management / Check Writing 1 Planned