We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...
Adding Newspaper as an option for "business" in the Rolodex
With the addition of the e-mail option on the obituary page, funeral homes who have added newspapers to their rolodex as "other" do not have the ability to see them in the dropdown on the obit page.
Create an override so that the "Preferred Name" overrides the legal name on contracts, reports, etc
Right now, any document generated uses the name you have put in "John Harry
Anderson." But if he always went by Harry Anderson then the contract, front
door sign, flower cards, etc, will automatically generate his full name,
which wouldn't be p...
Allowing Information that is mapped into a form be changed in eSignatures
It was requested that information from a case that is pulled into a form by mapping be allowed to edit or remove when drawing up the document up in eSignatures. Sometimes names are pulled in on certain signature lines b/c the form is mapped for a ...
Could you add the full contact info for the the primary purchaser on the case summary page. Right now it looks like the address and zip code is missing. Thank You. Mark olson
I had a call from Zarzycki Manor Chapel wanting to use the messaging feature for an imminent need case. They had several family members and emailing them all can become tiresome when having the message in one place would be more convenient.
Clevland Funeral Home noted that when sending off documents for eSignature, the email that gets sent off to the family will have the logo and name of the organization. Could there be a way for this rather than to have the organization name, but ra...
Allow for mass selection of cases to change case status types.
It would be nice to be able to change the case status of multipe cases at once without having to go into each individual case and change them one by one.
It was suggested that we add a search feature to the notifications page. It would be beneficial for the search feature to allow you to search any notification no matter how old, even being able to search things you've been tagged in. Also being ab...
Allow funeral homes to change the default payment type
Currently, when adding a payment it defaults to "cash" as the payment type. This is the least used payment type for a lot of funeral homes so they would like the ability to default it to card or check since those are used more often