We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...
I would like to be able to filter the task widget for cases with or without a specific tag. For example showing cases with the "pending dc" tag and when the tag is removed from the case, those tasks no longer show ion the widget
I want to be able to filter the tasks on my dashboard to show only tasks on cases with a specific status. For example, if my case status is "open" those tasks will be on my widget. once I change my case to "closed" status, those tasks will no long...
Users need to be able to pull the following System Reports and specify only Cash Sale Cases, just like they can all the other case types. Detailed Items Sold Detailed Sales Items Sold
Users would like improvements to the Global Search tool: Prioritize search results by recently clicked, rather than number of clicks funeral homes typically juggle a handful of cases at a time and are quickly closing these contracts out, then movi...
Funeral Excellence Group is intending to run the System Report "Items Sold" across all of their funeral homes. In order to easily distinguish who has sold what they are requesting a branch/location column and a funeral director (case assigned to) ...
This is partially a staff training issue, but it would be nice if when entering a new At Need case, should that first & last name match a PreNeed case, a warning would come up. It would need to be easy to override, but we've had a few times wh...
Best Friends Pet Cremations processes over 600 cases a month and they are currently using the batch payments. In order to make this process less tedious they are requesting to add the Pet Business name to the columns on the Batch Payments screen. ...
Ops would like Care Center hidden by default and turn it on by request, like our other features. This feature is not used by all customers and can cause confusion during trainings and for new customers learning the system.