We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...
Requiring C.S.T. for signing should also prevent user from adding any G&S
Currently you can restrict signing on the G&S page if a C.S.T. has not been selected. Several people have asked that this requirement include users to not be allowed to add any items to the G&S page before selecting a C.S.T.
Say y...
Ability to unselect imminent need once converted to at-need
Johnson-Romito Funeral Home (premium customer) would like to have the ability to unselect the imminent need case type once they convert to at-need in order to differentiate and separate
Chloe Jonas
about 1 year ago
in Case Management / Case
Future consideration
users might want to add multiple caskets at one time and have these items share the same tax table, reporting category, accounting code, etc. The goal would be to add similar items quickly so that all you have to do is modify, the name and price.
We used to be able to see what area the comment came from. If someone puts a comment in the checklist (i.e. death certificate), the comment is in the notes, but we have no idea what that note is pertaining to. We have to go check all the checklist...
Don't require "Appointment with" selection when setting appointment or add "pending" option
When we set up appointments with our At Need families, we don't always know which staff member will be meeting with them. In Passare, however, when entering an appointment, it's required to add the "Appointment with". Please make it possible to ad...
Make Thumbnails to preview items uploaded in case file section
We need to see what the families are uploading at the same time. We currently have to download and save all of the files instead of the convenience of it being in one location.
It would be helpful if funeral directors could tag other users in notes sections in the Care Center. For example, on the Appearance page, in the Hairdressing section the Description of Request box.
Example: Say my dad passed away 5 years ago, the funeral home sent me an invite to the collaboration center and I used it for my dad....yesterday a different family member passed away, the funeral home sent me a collaboration center invite (using ...
Sierra Chaffin
over 4 years ago
in Planning Center