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PINNED Check for duplicate decedent names.
We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...

Case Management

Showing 539

Accounting Exports

I would like to be able to enter a transaction, i.e. adjustment, correcting invoice or payment, and have the option to check a box that says "DO NOT EXPORT THIS". This would be helpful in balancing from Passare to Quickbooks. Instead of fixing the...
Belinda Honea over 2 years ago in Case Management / Accounting 0 Future consideration

Add Case Identifier as as filter criteria on the Dashboard

Please consider adding Case Identifier to the filter criteria for the Dashboard. Maybe with a start and an end option.
Guest over 2 years ago in Case Management / Reports & Dashboards 0 Planned

Automatically send notifications to secondary arranger

Currently if you have a Secondary Arranger defined, they don't receive any notifications for anything, unless tagged. Can you please consider including the Secondary arranger for notifications, namely PC notiications?
Guest over 2 years ago in Case Management / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Add a list for Character of Discharge under the Veterans page

From Julie Silha at Schumacher Kish Funeral Home: With that being said, I promised you some information for the Veteran’s information screen to potentially create a dropdown list for Character of Discharge. Coming from a background of working with...
Guest over 2 years ago in Case Management / Data Entry 1 Not being considered

Ability to Rename the 'Custom Fields' Tab on the Navigation Bar

Within the navigation bar of a case, I would like the ability to rename the 'Custom Fields' tab, to something related to what I use the fields for.
Guest about 5 years ago in Case Management / Case 0 Not being considered

Bulk add prices for new supplier

As our urn prices are rising quickly, I'm needing to update the prices more often, and have looked for some more reasonable suppliers. Which is a whole job in-and-of-itself. But then I have to go into Passare and update the prices there. Which is ...
Holly Stammis over 2 years ago in Case Management / Price List 0 Future consideration

Add License Number for Nurses in the Rolodex

In the state of Wisconsin, the Nurse license number is required on the Death Certificate.
Julie Hofmann over 2 years ago in Case Management / Rolodex 0 Planned

Blank Form Mapping To Default to Blank Instead of No

Whenever you are mapping a form there is no way to have it default to a blank spot for a Yes or No answer. For example if I wanted an area to be blank but still have the mapping for when the data is marked as yes/no it will automatically put in a No.
Guest over 2 years ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration

Credit Card Fee Calculator

For the credit card processing we really need to find a way to have it calculate the fee amount for them. They can even choose or 'bubble' if the Family or Funeral Home is paying the fee, then it calculates it for them. Similar to how it does in t...
Guest over 5 years ago in Case Management / Payments & Adjustments 0 Not being considered

Populate case info on Cash cases from At Need cases

When I enter a new cash sale from a family that we already served, it would be helpful and time saving if the address info populated when you start to enter the name info
Guest over 2 years ago in Case Management / Data Entry 0 Future consideration