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PINNED Check for duplicate decedent names.
We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...

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Showing 236

When searching for a family member on a case, show their name as part of the search results.

Currently, when searching for someone that is a family & friend on a case, there is no way of knowing what case the person is associated with. The search results only show the decedent's name. It would be helpful to also see the name of the fa...
Guest over 2 years ago in Case Management / Case 0 Planned

Make names Clickable

On the Case Listing you can edit the columns to multiple different options of listing the name but it appears the only one you can click into (for the Decedent) is the Decedent Full Name column. For many they like to list Decedents Last Name, Firs...
Sierra Chaffin over 3 years ago in Case Management / Reports & Dashboards 1 Planned

Being able to create a batch report that filters by certain time periods in specific order ex. Date of Death.

It would be great if we could produce a batch form with the contracts for a specific time frame in the order of date of death. This would be helpful in pulling data from the contracts for a specific time period. Having these in order by date of is...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Case Management / System Report 1 Planned

Varies by CST Transactions not Ideal for Cash Sale Cases

User Story There are transactions that can vary the debit and credit accounts, depending on the Client Service Type selected for a case. This however is not possible with Cash Sale cases, since they do not have a Client Service Type selector. Righ...
Daniell Jara almost 4 years ago in Case Management / Accounting 2 Planned

Remove Converted Imminent Needs from the Imminent Need Filter

When converting a case from Imminent to AtNeed the case still remains in a tab with the Filter Imminent Need Cases. It would be helpful for them to not show in that filter once converted so that we can properly track our active imminent need cases...
Guest almost 4 years ago in Case Management / Reports & Dashboards 1 Planned

Ability to mark spouse as deceased from Vital Statistics page

It would be helpful to be able to mark the decedent's spouse as deceased from the Vital Statistics page, like you can do with parents., so that it can carry through to the Friends and Family page.
John Souter about 4 years ago in Case Management 0 Planned

Removing the missing signing alert for preneed cases and adding the ability to hide the signing button in preneed cases

There is currently no way to prevent someone from clicking the 'sign' button on preneeds, this can become a problem when preneed cases are signed by staff when they shouldn't be.
Chloe Jonas 9 months ago in Case Management / Goods & Services 0 Planned

Add weight and height to all case types, entry in First Call

When creating a first call, a weight is essential to know the personnel and resources needed for the pickup, regardless if it is a cremation or not. Height would also be helpful as it is a good identifier of the decedent.
Dan OBrien about 1 year ago in Case Management / Data Entry 0 Planned

Ability to delete multiple line items from a Case checklist

Not all checklist items are relevant to each case. The ability to delete multiple line items at one time would be very helpful!
Jill Materia over 1 year ago in Case Management / Checklist 0 Planned

Ability to Preview Case Files

It would be very valuable to be able to Preview Case Files within Passare. Because the system allows files to be uploaded multiple times, it's difficult to decide what to keep and what should be discarded. Rather than opening each file individuall...
Jill Materia over 1 year ago in Case Management / Files 0 Planned