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PINNED Check for duplicate decedent names.
We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...

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Veteran Rank as item to pull on user reports

It would be helpful to be able to pull the field on the veteran information page called "current or most recent ranking" onto a user report.
Anna Andrews about 2 years ago in Case Management / User Report 0 Planned

Editable Inventory Transfer Date

When transferring inventory to another org, the date is grayed out. The date the transfer is accepted becomes the date the items are removed from/on reports. Often a location will transfer an item but the person responsible for accepting the inven...
Erin Merriott about 4 years ago in Case Management / Inventory 0 Planned

Schedule Price List Disclosure Dates

Please create a functionality to allow scheduling of effective dates for price lists, so that form disclosures may be updated automatically. Since we are now able to schedule in the prices themselves, adding in the effective dates would make it so...
Guest about 2 years ago in Case Management / Price List 0 New

Update to video

The video in the planning center talks about starting on the collect tab but this has now changed to the gather tab!
Anna Andrews about 2 years ago in Planning Center 0 Planned

Mobile Read-Only Permissions

We are needing the capability to offer a true "Read-Only" to mobile users. There are certain users we need to only view the tracked data and not change it, but currently they can update locations & personal affects while having only a "Read" p...
Jessie Goggans about 4 years ago in Mobile 0 Planned

Edit cash advance description after a case is signed

Once a case is signed the line items are set in stone. It would be extremely helpful if cash advance descriptions were editable after signing a case (not the cost portion). Sometimes we think we have the name spelled correctly for an honorarium na...
Guest about 2 years ago in Passare API 0 Not being considered

Tracking Completed Signatures

There should be some kind of notification or indicator of completed signatures so a family knows when they are done (i.e., 4 of 5 Complete, etc.). This would help when viewing on a phone or smaller screen where all documents to sign are not readil...
Guest over 4 years ago in Planning Center 2 Already exists

Allowing Families to Choose Branch to Plan with

Families can choose which branch of a funeral home that they are planning with. May it be that they have other family members who have planned there, or created relationships with someone who works at the funeral home.
Guest about 2 years ago in Case Management / Appointments 0 Future consideration

Dashboard Downloads to CSV

It would be really nice if when downloading from a dashboard view, Passare would maintain the original sort order of the dashboard view that is being downloaded. Instead you have to remember how you had the dashboard set up and re-sort the CSV file.
Elizabeth Reed over 4 years ago in Case Management / Reports & Dashboards 0 Planned

Searching for Branches

It would be a time saver if we were able to search for branches on their own, rather than searching for the organization, then branch. Having the ability to search for the branch along with the organization would help us find our homes better.
Guest about 2 years ago in Case Management / Search 0 Future consideration