We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...
Ability to Calculate Sales Tax off of Total Taxable Amount
Customer Experience: Currently Passare's Sales Tax is setup to tax by item. In Connecticut they tax based on the Total Taxable Amount at a tiered basis. The customer is taxed on anything over $2500. Passare's current setup for taxing does not supp...
Almost every family that composes their obituary on the PC ends up calling to ask why the obituary they completed "yesterday" is not on our website. Well, that's because I didn't know they were finished with it. I often ask the families to let me ...
almost 2 years ago
in Planning Center
Already exists
Almost every time a family completes the PC with us, they leave the Name at Birth blank on people where we need it. Those two people would be the mother of the decedent and the wife of a male decedent. Can we make those fields required, ONLY if a ...
about 2 years ago
in Planning Center
Future consideration
Since in some instances, a Cash Advance item can be sold for more than what the payment to the 3rd party needs to be, please make it possible for the FD to override the amount. This could be defined in the item's details, rather than making it glo...
Veteran Forms to Auto-Populate in Standard Forms Section
Now that we have the ability to populate the Veteran Information page by selecting a radio button, it would be a further improvement to have Standard Forms automatically update with all Veteran Forms once this radio button has been selected. The V...
Kaylan Johnson
about 4 years ago
in Passare API
Not being considered
This idea is similar to the "must be pulled from inventory" check mark on items, but it would be for services...it would "require partnered field" or something. For example, if we have a "crematory fee", there must also be a "coroner's permit" or ...
Is it possible to get more cities added with the auto-fill? The new cities would be Cridersville (Auglaize County, Ohio, 45806), St. Johns (Auglaize County, Ohio 45884), and St. Marys (Auglaize County, Ohio, 45885)
about 2 years ago
in Passare API
Not being considered
It would be useful if columns on the accounts page could be configured like the dashboard. Another useful feature would be to have it setup where you can see the cases that are associated with a check when you hover over the check number, or a lin...
Inventory On Hand Report needs to include the following information to meet Federated inventory report requirements. This is important for all customers using Federated and Passare Inventory feature: Add Manufacturer column (pulling from Price Lis...