Users would like the option to restrict/allow certain roles access to promote Rolodex entries. This should apply to Custom Entries (blue 'plus' icon > Save to Organization Rolodex' checkbox) and Main Rolodex (Admin > Rolodex > click into ...
When using manual entry of who completed a checklist task, it shows all users in an org. Often this includes accounting users, integration partners, & FDLIC staff that is not working on checklists. Funeral Homes want a way to remove these user...
Allow users to be read only for pre-need cases but still have the access to change contract dates for pre-need cases/sign cases. Need to have the ability to limit the access to cases versus the permissions they have.
Create Permissions for Creating Dashboards/Adding Dashboard Columns
Einan's at Sunset has a transfer team that currently only has permissions to the Decedent Tracking app. However, since they have a Passare log in, they can also access the full dashboard and add any columns that they want to see. This funeral home...