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Branch Specific Standard Forms

Being able to select documents to show in the standard forms based on either organization or branch would allow greater organization for our firms that are in multiple cities/counties and need specific forms for each location.
Madison Hicks 8 days ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Planned

Delete multiple case files

I recently had a family share 90-100 photos that I put into case files for a memorial video. They then emailed me and said they wanted me to delete all and they were sending more. If possible, it would be great for there to be a button that delete...
Trae Cody 11 days ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Gathering interest

eSignature audit trail in the same pdf as signed document

Minnesota requires that all documents be kept in printed form for 3 years, even if the original document is electronic. To be compliant, we need to include the audit trail in the printed document. This document needs to show that it is page __ of ...
Guest 20 days ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Gathering interest

Document Mappings - Service Info by Event Type

When mapping Event/Service Information to forms, there are currently so many different mappings that are named slightly inconsistently, that it's difficult to know what to select or search for, and some options aren't even available for every serv...
Guest 2 months ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration

eSignature Drag & Drop to Upload Documents

I think it would be very useful to apply a Drag & Drop function to the Upload Documents button on the eSignature page. Currently, if you've got a file stored somewhere on your computer, using the file explorer to locate and select for upload a...
Guest 4 months ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Planned

eSignatures - Ability to Rotate and Resize Uploaded Files

When uploading documents for eSignature, there are often times when the files are either rotated incorrectly, or just too large to see everything within the eSignature editor. Some Funeral Homes don't have Adobe or anything to properly rotate or r...
Guest 2 months ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration

branch assignment option for documents

We have a lot of funeral homes that have specific documents per branch. For example, a different contract for each branch. or branches that are in different cities/states require different forms. Being able to assign forms to only certain location...
Madison Hicks almost 2 years ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration

Allowing Information that is mapped into a form be changed in eSignatures

It was requested that information from a case that is pulled into a form by mapping be allowed to edit or remove when drawing up the document up in eSignatures. Sometimes names are pulled in on certain signature lines b/c the form is mapped for a ...
Jennifer Jenson 4 months ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration

Forms Mappings Search

Can we create the mappings dropdown to be searchable by keyword? Right now you have to search the exact mapping, which is difficult since there are so many versions of similar mappings. For example, to find a mapping pulling last 2 digits of the y...
Jessie Goggans almost 4 years ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Planned

Adding filtering ability to e-signature widget

Ralph Schugar funeral home has requested the ability to see both completed and incomplete e-signature documents on the e-signature widget. Adding the ability to filter the different statuses and also not lose the completed forms from the widget al...
Chloe Jonas 7 months ago in Case Management / Documents 0 Future consideration