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PINNED Check for duplicate decedent names.
We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...

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Guest about 1 month ago in Case Management 0 Gathering interest

Allow funeral homes to change the default payment type

Currently, when adding a payment it defaults to "cash" as the payment type. This is the least used payment type for a lot of funeral homes so they would like the ability to default it to card or check since those are used more often
Madison Hicks 5 months ago in Case Management / Payments & Adjustments 0 Planned

Dark Mode/Version of Passare

Jeremey Heath with Heath Funeral Home has asked if we were able to have a 'dark mode' of Passare. He has mentioned on several occasions that he struggles to see/navigate his webpage.. even after he has adjusted his brightness and monitor settings.
Chloe Jonas about 1 year ago in Case Management / System 0 Future consideration

middle name on Family & Friends Page being added to the top section

On the Family & Friends page currently you have to click on the additional information to add the middle name of the family member. It would be much more convenient to be able to add the middle name right there when adding the family member fi...
Chloe Jonas 11 months ago in Case Management / Family & Friends 1 Planned

Attach a document to a Rolodex entry

The ability to attach a document to a rolodex entry. We have many churches and cemeteries that have policies and fee schedules that would be helpful to have right in the rolodex.
Alex Rydell almost 3 years ago in Case Management / Rolodex 0 Future consideration

Remember Preneed Next of Kin when converting to Atneed

When a preneed case goes atneed and the caller is a family member, you wind up with that family member listed twice in the family and friends section. Could there be a pulldown to select a family member that's already in the family and friends? It...
Angela Anello 3 months ago in Case Management / Data Entry 0 Planned

Create an override so that the "Preferred Name" overrides the legal name on contracts, reports, etc

Right now, any document generated uses the name you have put in "John Harry Anderson." But if he always went by Harry Anderson then the contract, front door sign, flower cards, etc, will automatically generate his full name, which wouldn't be p...
Guest 4 months ago in Case Management 0 Future consideration

"Appointment With" Field

On the Vitals page in the Arrangement Section the "Appointment With" field is not currently listed as required but will not let you save the page if you do not input a FD. Could this field either have an asterisk that it is required or be not requ...
Guest 3 months ago in Case Management / Appointments 0 Planned

Autosave when you change pages

It would be nice if you could transfer pages without having to save, an auto save when you shift maybe.
Product Team about 5 years ago in Case Management / Data Entry 3 Future consideration

Change Colors of Background

We have several people that work in more than one company in Passare. It would be so helpful if we could customize the background colors (the blue) in the companies to differentiate them at a glance. We frequently have cases created in the wrong c...
Lizz Gasbarro over 1 year ago in Passare API 0 Not being considered