We continually have issues with multiple users started the same case. Data must be re-entered. I would be helpful to have the system check for duplicates when entering a decedent last name to avoid these types of issues. Even a "merge" record woul...
Many times, funeral directors are creating specific playlists for services, often using outside apps such as 'Spotify,' 'Pandora,' 'Apple Music,' etc. Many general social media apps can already connect to these music streaming platforms to allow f...
I noticed that "disposition of remains date", "disposition of remains time", pet owner 1 & 2 phone number, and pet owner 1 & 2 email report tags are missing. Is it possible to add these?
Add Case ID to "AtNeed Fields Required to Sign" Section
French Funeral Home would like the option to require the case id to be entered before they can sign the case. This could go along with the other items in the "AtNeed Fields Required to Sign" Section.
I think it would be very useful to apply a Drag & Drop function to the Upload Documents button on the eSignature page. Currently, if you've got a file stored somewhere on your computer, using the file explorer to locate and select for upload a...
Alert Preferences for Checklist/Task Notifications
A funeral director brought up that they receive email notifications when anyone edits or completes a task in a checklist. He is the owner of the task but does not want to receive email notifications of this. There is no current setting that we are...
Rolodex access within a case (specifically At-Need cases)
Having the ability to lookup a phone number or a cemetery charge in the rolodex while not having to leave the case would be extremely helpful. Even if you could do a quick search in the rolodex and click on the person/organization you need and the...
Hello, I think that it would be useful for funeral directors if once a form was completed and signed for, they had the ability to add it to case files. Perhaps there can be a button to "add to case files" when you click the elipses or check the bo...
Create an override so that the "Preferred Name" overrides the legal name on contracts, reports, etc
Right now, any document generated uses the name you have put in "John Harry
Anderson." But if he always went by Harry Anderson then the contract, front
door sign, flower cards, etc, will automatically generate his full name,
which wouldn't be p...